Title | Tenda FH1202 V1.2.0.14(408) buffer overflow |
Description | The Tenda FH1202 V1.2.0.14(408) firmware has a stack overflow vulnerability located in the funcpara1 parameter of formSetCfm function. |
Source | ⚠️ https://github.com/abcdefg-png/IoT-vulnerable/blob/main/Tenda/FH/FH1202/formSetCfm.md |
User | wxhwxhwxh_tutu (UID 65923) |
Submission | 03/19/2024 05:01 PM (9 months ago) |
Moderation | 03/27/2024 08:05 AM (8 days later) |
Status | Accepted |
VulDB Entry | 258153 [Tenda FH1202 /goform/setcfm formSetCfm funcpara1 stack-based overflow] |
Points | 15 |