Submit #386053: itsourcecode Tailoring Management System Project In PHP 1.0 Unrestricted Uploadinfo

Titleitsourcecode Tailoring Management System Project In PHP 1.0 Unrestricted Upload
DescriptionThe file upload operation was triggered on line 51 of the "setlogo.php" file, and the uploaded file was received using the "$_FILES" variable. Due to the lack of appropriate input validation and cleaning, remote attackers only need to use regular user login to pass malicious payloads through this file upload function, resulting in unrestricted file uploads, which may further lead to remote code execution (RCE). In line 51 of the setlogo.php file,The input obtained through $_FILES is directly used to determine the storage location of the file, without conducting a complete security check. The specific code snippet is as follows:
 wangjiakang (UID 72714)
Submission08/05/2024 05:37 PM (4 months ago)
Moderation08/05/2024 09:52 PM (4 hours later)
VulDB Entry273649 [itsourcecode Tailoring Management System 1.0 /setlogo.php bgimg unrestricted upload]

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