Submit #431782: code-projects Blood Bank Management System 1.0 SQL Injectioninfo

Titlecode-projects Blood Bank Management System 1.0 SQL Injection
DescriptionA SQL Injection vulnerability was identified in the infoAdd functionality of the BloodBank Management System version 1.0. This vulnerability occurs during the creation of blood-related information, specifically when user inputs are not sanitized before being used in SQL queries. The PoC shows that malicious SQL commands can be injected into the request body through parameters such as bg (blood group). This allows attackers to manipulate the backend query logic to extract or modify data. Using blind logical injection techniques, the attack ensures successful exploitation by validating the logic embedded within the SQL query.
 c4ttr4ck (UID 75518)
Submission10/25/2024 11:15 PM (3 months ago)
Moderation10/26/2024 03:44 PM (16 hours later)
VulDB Entry281959 [code-projects Blood Bank Management System 1.0 /file/infoAdd.php bg sql injection]

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