Submit #447115: Codezips Free Exam Hall Seating Management System In PHP with Source Code V1.0 SQL Injectioninfo

TitleCodezips Free Exam Hall Seating Management System In PHP with Source Code V1.0 SQL Injection
Description'0e1G7' found that the file upload operation was received by the variable '$_FILES' in the 'profile.php' file. Due to the lack of proper input validation and cleaning, remote attackers can pass malicious payloads through this file upload function, resulting in unrestricted file uploads, which may further lead to remote code execution (RCE). In line 15 of the 'profile.php' file, the input obtained through '$_FILES' is directly used to determine the storage location of the file without verification or cleaning. The specific code snippet is as follows: Attackers can exploit this vulnerability for unrestricted uploads, which may result in file overwrite, file injection, directory traversal attacks, and denial of service attacks. Remote attacks may also lead to RCE
User 0e1G7 (UID 77853)
Submission11/19/2024 04:57 AM (3 months ago)
Moderation11/24/2024 04:19 PM (5 days later)
VulDB Entry285982 [Codezips Free Exam Hall Seating Management System 1.0 Profile Image profile.php image unrestricted upload]

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