Submit #468123: code-projects Simple Admin Panel In PHP 1.0.00 Cross Site Scriptinginfo

Titlecode-projects Simple Admin Panel In PHP 1.0.00 Cross Site Scripting
DescriptionIn the file 'addSizeController.php', there is a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability and injection attacks in the "Simple Admin Panel in PHP" system on the 'size' parameter. This function executes the user-provided parameter without any restriction. Malicious attackers can exploit this vulnerability to access sensitive information from clients.
 Havook (UID 71104)
Submission12/23/2024 11:32 PM (2 months ago)
Moderation12/25/2024 04:04 PM (2 days later)
VulDB Entry289285 [code-projects Simple Admin Panel 1.0 addSizeController.php size cross site scripting]

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