Submit #468772: 1000 Projects Portfolio Management System MCA Project v1.0 Unrestricted Uploadinfo

Title1000 Projects Portfolio Management System MCA Project v1.0 Unrestricted Upload
DescriptionDuring the security review of "Portfolio Management System MCA Project using PHP and MySQL", wangjiawei discovered a critical arbitrary file upload vulnerability in the "/update_ach.php" file. This vulnerability can be exploited without requiring any special permissions. Immediate remedial measures are needed to ensure system security and protect data integrity.
 wangjiawei (UID 79308)
Submission12/25/2024 08:20 AM (1 month ago)
Moderation12/25/2024 07:20 PM (11 hours later)
VulDB Entry289317 [1000 Projects Portfolio Management System MCA 1.0 /update_ach.php ach_certy unrestricted upload]

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