Title | DrayTek Vigor2960, Vigor300B Command Injection |
Description | DrayTek Gateway devices, including models Vigor2960 and Vigor300B, are vulnerable to command injection via the web management interface. The vulnerability can be exploited by sending a malformed HTTP request to the `/cgi-bin/mainfunction.cgi/apmcfgupload` endpoint. An attacker can inject arbitrary commands by manipulating the `session` parameter, affecting over 66,000 Internet-connected devices. |
Source | ⚠️ https://netsecfish.notion.site/Command-Injection-in-apmcfgupload-endpoint-for-DrayTek-Gateway-Devices-1676b683e67c8040b7f1f0ffe29ce18f?pvs=4 |
User | netsecfish (UID 64568) |
Submission | 12/25/2024 09:14 AM (2 months ago) |
Moderation | 12/27/2024 09:04 AM (2 days later) |
Status | Accepted |
VulDB Entry | 289380 [DrayTek Vigor2960/Vigor300B Web Management Interface apmcfgupload session os command injection] |
Points | 19 |