Submit #469772: donglight bookstore 1.0 Storage XSS
Title | donglight bookstore 1.0 Storage XSS |
Description | The updateUser in src/main/Java/org/zdd/bookstore/web/controller/admin/AdminUserControlle.jva did not filter the input data, resulting in storage XSS |
Source | ⚠️ https:/ |
User | LVZC2 (UID 76821) |
Submission | 12/27/2024 03:22 PM (2 months ago) |
Moderation | 01/08/2025 03:30 PM (12 days later) |
Status | Accepted |
VulDB Entry | 290789 [donglight bookstore电商书城系统说明 1.0.0 updateUser cross site scripting] |
Points | 15 |