Submit #472075: D-Link DIR-816 A2 v1.10 Improper Access Controlsinfo

TitleD-Link DIR-816 A2 v1.10 Improper Access Controls
DescriptionAn improper access control vulnerability exists in the web management interface of DIR-816A2_FWv1.10CNB05_R1B011D88210. By sending a specially crafted unauthenticated HTTP POST request to the goform endpoint with the header set to form2AddVrtsrv.cgi, an attacker can set the virtual service of the device.
User yhryhryhr_backup (UID 65053)
Submission12/30/2024 09:44 AM (1 month ago)
Moderation01/01/2025 09:50 AM (2 days later)
VulDB Entry289919 [D-Link DIR-816 A2 1.10CNB05_R1B011D88210 Virtual Service form2AddVrtsrv.cgi access control]

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