Submit #473163: sourcecodester Online Eyewear Shop Website v1.0 SQL Injectioninfo

Titlesourcecodester Online Eyewear Shop Website v1.0 SQL Injection
DescriptionThe online eyewear store website has a front-end SQL injection vulnerability, which allows attackers to obtain sensitive information from the server.The online eyewear store website has a front-end SQL injection vulnerability, which allows attackers to obtain sensitive information from the server.The online eyewear store website has a front-end SQL injection vulnerability, which allows attackers to obtain sensitive information from the server.
 wejieqin (UID 79644)
Submission01/01/2025 02:28 PM (2 months ago)
Moderation01/02/2025 09:34 AM (19 hours later)
VulDB Entry289940 [SourceCodester Online Eyewear Shop 1.0 /orders/view_order.php id sql injection]

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