Submit #473330: code-projects POS(point of sales) and Inventory System 1.0 SQL Injectioninfo

Titlecode-projects POS(point of sales) and Inventory System 1.0 SQL Injection
DescriptionA malicious attacker can exploit this vulnerability by manipulating the search parameter. By injecting malicious SQL code into the parameter, the attacker could gain unauthorized access to sensitive information stored in the server's database. This could lead to the exposure of confidential data, including but not limited to user credentials, personal information, and other critical data.
 masamune (UID 79684)
Submission01/02/2025 09:20 AM (1 month ago)
Moderation01/02/2025 07:02 PM (10 hours later)
VulDB Entry290103 [code-projects Point of Sales and Inventory Management System 1.0 Parameter /user/search_result2.php search sql injection]

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