Submit #474049: code-projects Local Storage Todo App 1 Cross Site Scriptinginfo

Titlecode-projects Local Storage Todo App 1 Cross Site Scripting
DescriptionIn the directory 'Local_Storage_Todo_App_In_JS_With_Source_Code/js-todo-app/index.html' in admin account, there is an unrestricted cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability and injection attacks in the "Local Storage Todo App" system on the 'Add' parameter. This function will execute the user parameter without restriction. Malicious attackers can exploit this vulnerability to obtain sensitive information from clients. script: <img/src/onerror=prompt(8)>
 Fergod (UID 55882)
Submission01/02/2025 09:11 PM (1 month ago)
Moderation01/04/2025 05:17 PM (2 days later)
VulDB Entry290218 [code-projects Local Storage Todo App 1.0 /js-todo-app/index.html Add cross site scripting]

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