Submit #474264: Tsinghua Unigroup Software Systems Co., Ltd. Tsinghua Electronic Archives System 3.2.210802(62532) release File and Directory Information Exposureinfo

TitleTsinghua Unigroup Software Systems Co., Ltd. Tsinghua Electronic Archives System 3.2.210802(62532) release File and Directory Information Exposure
DescriptionZiguang Software Electronic Archives Management System is a software that provides users with complete electronic archives management and network query, and can also be used with the unit's OA office automation or MIS information management system. There is a file reading vulnerability in the Ziguang Archives Management System, which can obtain system source code and sensitive information on the server.
 Anonymous User
Submission01/03/2025 10:40 AM (2 months ago)
Moderation01/04/2025 01:27 PM (1 day later)
VulDB Entry290215 [Tsinghua Unigroup Electronic Archives System 3.2.210802(62532) exampleDownload.html name path traversal]

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