It is our duty to document all vulnerabilities that have been disclosed. Our detailed work ranges back to the year 1970 where computer systems and security vulnerabilities were not as popular yet. This historical documentation of weaknesses and flaws helps historians, administrators, vulnerability managers, and security analysts to understand developments and risks of the past.
Coverage of End-of-Life
We aim to cover all products declared as end-of-life (EOL) as well. Products and and vulnerability entries might be flagged as such in this case.
Possibilities and Restrictions
All available entries are compiled in the Archive which is accessible on the web site and the API.
⚠️ Important: Some licenses might have some restrictions when it comes to archive access. For example default subscriptions get API access to data of the current and the last two years (at the time of signing the contract). API access to older entries are limited and require a dedicated unlock.
Our sales personnel will make you aware of the possibilities of your license. If you need extended archive access for older years, please let us know so we may unlock them for you.
تم التحديث: 29/11/2024 بحسب VulDB Documentation Team