Exploit Prices

Every entry provides an exploit price calculation. These price estimations are calculated prices based on mathematical algorithm. This algorithm got developed by our specialists over the years by observing the exploit market structure and exchange behavior of involved actors. It allows the prediction of generic prices by considering multiple technical aspects of the affected vulnerability. The more technical details are available the higher the accuracy of the reproducible approximation.

The generically calculated prices are compared to data we see on the Internet, articles, news reports, vulnerability broker price lists, forums and darknet discussions. If they differ we are optimizing the algorithm to reflect the observed influences. Providing absolute price accuracy is not possible because of the individual nature of every vulnerability. Furthermore real market prices might highly vary according to popularity of specific vulnerabilities and the individual demands by actors on the exploit market. Therefore, the price estimation is primarily a trend indicator to put usual price ranges on display.

If you see a severe difference between the prices stated on the web site and the price for a specific price on the market, please let us know . We are always eager to optimize the price calculations to improve accuracy of earlier, current and future estimations.

Detail of Prices

The prices are shown as ranges of varying spreads. The provided accuracy differenciates if you are using VulDB with a login or without.

0-day Prices

The prices are shown as 0-day prices and today prices. An 0-day is the moment when the issue is not disclosed in any way. This means no public information like an advisory or patch is available. At this point the prices are in most cases the highest.

Today Prices

Over time an exploit loses its value. This applies to a generic progress of time. But special events might enforce this price loss. This includes the public disclosure within an advisory, the availability of an alternative exploit or the release of a countermeasure. The current price is shown as today price.

Purchase and Sell of Exploits

We are not a vulnerability nor an exploit broker. Therefore, we do not buy, sell nor trade such. The disclosure of exploit prices is just an information made available as part of our services. We do not endorse other brokers in any way.

However, we are happy to disclose vulnerability data and exploit details to support the defensive community. Feel free to submit such information to enrich our database.

Read More

Further details about the price calculations are available in this article:

Aktualisierung: 18.09.2023 von VulDB Documentation Team

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