Submit #321338: BlueNet Technology Co., Ltd. clinical browsing system v1.2.1 SQL injectioninfo

TitleBlueNet Technology Co., Ltd. clinical browsing system v1.2.1 SQL injection
DescriptionThere is a front-end SQL injection vulnerability in the clinical browsing system of Lanwang Technology Co., Ltd., which allows attackers to obtain sensitive information from the database.There is a front-end SQL injection vulnerability in the clinical browsing system of Lanwang Technology Co., Ltd., which allows attackers to obtain sensitive information from the database.There is a front-end SQL injection vulnerability in the clinical browsing system of Lanwang Technology Co., Ltd., which allows attackers to obtain sensitive information from the database.
UserG_GX (ID 68016)
Submission2024-04-23 06:37 (27 days ago)
Moderation2024-04-26 15:03 (3 days later)
VulDB Entry262149

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