Submit #159277: Theme Park Ticketing System v1.0 /tpts/print_ticket.php GET parameter id exists SQL injection vulnerability情報

TitleTheme Park Ticketing System v1.0 /tpts/print_ticket.php GET parameter id exists SQL injection vulnerability
DescriptionTheme Park Ticketing System v1.0 has SQL injection. Vulnerability File: /tpts/print_ticket.php GET parameter 'id' exists SQL injection vulnerability Payload1:id=1 AND 666=666 The Boolean value is judged correctly, so the page output is normal. Payload2:id=1 AND 666=999 The Boolean value judgment is wrong, so the page output is abnormal. Payload3:id=1 and (select 2 from (select(sleep(10)))c) The time injection is successful, and the response from the server is 10 seconds.
Userdengbaihao (ID 47263)
Submission2023年05月22日 05:19 (12 months ago)
Moderation2023年05月24日 11:39 (2 days later)
VulDB Entry229821

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