Submit #163041: Lost and Found Information System v1.0 - Broken Access Controlinformação

TitleLost and Found Information System v1.0 - Broken Access Control
DescriptionApplication Name - Lost and Found Information System Version - v1.0 Vulnerability - Broken Access Control Source - While testing an application it was observed that a staff user can also force browse to admin modules. To reproduce - 1. Login as staff user 2. After logging in go to /admin/?page=user/list as staff user. Notice that you can edit the administrator username and password as a staff user. Impact - A staff user can change the password of admin user which may result in an account takeover for admin user.
Userl3v1ath0n (ID 33329)
Submission31/05/2023 15h08 (1 Year ago)
Moderation31/05/2023 15h13 (5 minutes later)
VulDB Entry230362

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