Submit #37664: Home Clean Services Management System add_register.php File Upload Getshellinformação

TitleHome Clean Services Management System add_register.php File Upload Getshell
DescriptionAt the file upload function, the application system checks the validity of the file type, format, and content uploaded by the user, so that attackers can upload Webshell (.php, .jsp, asp, etc.) malicious script files or files in unexpected formats, such as: HTML files, SHTML files, etc., at the same time, you can use characters such as directory jump or control the upload directory to directly upload files to the Web directory or any directory, which may lead to the execution of arbitrary malicious script files on the remote server, thereby directly obtaining application system permissions.Home Clean Services Management System does not filter the content correctly at the "register" module, resulting in the generation of File upload.
Source⚠️ (ID 24778)
Submission24/05/2022 04h44 (2 years ago)
Moderation24/05/2022 06h23 (2 hours later)
VulDB Entry200582