Submit #375233: SourceCodester Simple Inventory Management System 1.0 SQL injection vulnerabilityИнформация

TitleSourceCodester Simple Inventory Management System 1.0 SQL injection vulnerability
DescriptionInventory management system. This is a web-based application project developed with PHP and MySQL database. The main goal of the project is to provide an online platform for certain stores, shops or any business to manage their inventory or product inventory. The application helps businesses easily store, retrieve, and monitor their product inventory. It has a simple and pleasant user interface with the Bootstrap 5 framework and jQuery, and also provides a better experience for administrators or end users when working with the application. The project consists of user-friendly features and functions
 Xu Mingming (ID 70318)
Submission16.07.2024 09:57 (3 months ago)
Moderation17.07.2024 11:21 (1 day later)
VulDB Entry271812

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