Apache Schwachstellen




Apache HTTP Server287
Apache Tomcat214
Apache Struts92
Apache Airflow91
Apache Traffic Server58


Official Fix1543
Temporary Fix1
Not Defined629


Not Defined1849


Not Defined0


Not Defined0


Not Defined0

C3BM Index

CVSSv3 Base


CVSSv3 Temp












Exploit 0-day


Exploit heute



🔴 CTI Aktivitäten

Affected Products (350): AGE (1), APISIX (6), APISIX Dashboard (2), APR-util (2), ATS (1), Accumulo (2), ActiveMQ (31), ActiveMQ Artemis (7), ActiveMQ Client (2), ActiveMQ Legacy OpenWire Module (1), Airavata Django Portal (1), Airflow (91), Airflow CNCF Kubernetes Provider (1), Airflow Docker Provider (1), Airflow Drill Provider (1), Airflow HDFS Provider (1), Airflow Hive Provider (3), Airflow IMAP Provider (1), Airflow JDBC Provider (1), Airflow MSSQL Provider (1), Airflow Mongo Provider (1), Airflow MySQL Provider (1), Airflow ODBC Provider (2), Airflow SMTP Provider (1), Airflow Spark Provider (2), Allura (6), Ambari (19), Answer (5), Ant (2), Any23 (4), Apache Test (1), Archiva (20), Arrow (2), Arrow Rust Object Store (1), AsterixDB (1), Atlas (10), Aurora (1), Avro (1), Avro Java SDK (1), Avro Rust SDK (3), Axis (7), Axis2 (6), Batik (9), Beam MongoDB Connector (1), BookKeeper (1), Brooklyn (3), C (1), CXF (36), CXF Fediz (6), Calcite (2), Calcite Avatica (1), Camel (23), Camel JIRA (1), Camel Mail (1), Cassandra (6), Cayenne (2), Chainsaw (2), CloudStack (21), Cocoon (4), Commons (1), Commons-compress (1), Commons-httpclient (2), Commons BCEL (1), Commons Beanutils (1), Commons Collections Library (1), Commons Components HttpClient (1), Commons Compress (9), Commons Configuration (4), Commons Email (1), Commons FileUpload (6), Commons IO (1), Commons Net (1), Commons Text (1), Continuum (1), Cordova (6), Cordova-Android (2), Cordova Android (1), Cordova File-Transfer Standalone Plugin (1), Cordova In-App-Browser Standalone Plugin (1), Cordova iOS (2), CouchDB (15), DB DdlUtils (1), DeltaSpike-JSF (1), Derby (8), Directory LDAP API (1), Directory Studio (2), DolphinScheduler (18), Doris (5), Drill (2), DriverHive JDBC Driver (1), Druid (7), Dubbo (18), Engine (1), EventMesh (1), FOP (1), Felix Healthcheck Webconsole Plugin (1), FileZilla (1), Fineract (16), Flex (1), Flex BlazeDS (1), Flink (4), Flume (3), Geode (16), Geode Cluster (1), Geronimo (10), Gobblin (2), Groovy (2), Guacamole (9), HBase (3), HTTP Server (287), Hadoop (33), Hama (1), Helix (2), Heron (2), Hive (11), Hop Engine (1), HttpClient (3), HugeGraph-Hubble (1), HugeGraph-Server (2), Ignite (5), Impala (7), InLong (27), Incubator Superset (2), IoTDB (10), Isis (2), Ivy (3), JMeter (2), JSPWiki (22), Jackrabbit (4), Jackrabbit Oak (1), Jakarta Slide (1), Jakarta Tomcat (5), James (10), James MIME4J (1), James Mime4J (1), James Server (4), Jena (4), Jena Fuseki (1), Jena SDB (1), JetSpeed (6), Johnzon (1), KNOX (1), Kafka (8), Karaf (10), Karaf Cave (1), Kerby (1), Knox SSO (1), Kylin (11), LDAP API (1), LDAP Studio (1), Libcloud (2), Linkis (8), Linkis DataSource (4), Log4cxx (1), Log4j (7), Log4j SMTP Appender (1), MINA (2), MINA SSHD (1), MXNet (2), ManifoldCF (1), Maven (2), Mesos (6), Mina SSHD (2), Mod-gnutls (1), Mod Fcgid (2), Mod Jk (1), Mod Perl (1), Mod Python (1), MyFaces (3), MyFaces Core (2), MyFaces Tomahawk (1), MyFaces Trinidad (1), NetBeans (5), NiFi (36), NiFi MiNiFi C++ (2), NiFi Registry (1), NimBLE (1), Nutch (1), NuttX (4), ODE (1), OFBiz (35), ORC (1), Olingo (4), Oozie (3), Open For Business Project (8), OpenJPA (1), OpenMeetings (24), OpenNLP (1), OpenOffice (33), Open Office (1), Opentaps (1), Operating System (5), Ozone (9), PDFbox (8), PLC4X - PLC4C (1), POI (9), Parquet (1), Pinot (3), Pluto (4), Pony Mail (2), Portable Runtime (5), Portable Runtime APR (1), Portable Runtime Utility (2), Pulsar (17), Pulsar C++ Client (1), Pulsar Manager (1), Pulsar WebSocket Proxy (1), PyArrow (1), QPID (1), Qbid Java (1), Qpid (10), Qpid AMQP JMS Client (1), Qpid Broker-J (5), Qpid Broker for Java (1), Qpid Dispatch Router (1), Qpid Java (1), Qpid Proton (2), Qpid Proton-J Transport (1), RabbitMQ (2), Rampart-C (1), Ranger (15), Ranger Hive Plugin (1), Rave (1), RocketMQ (4), Roller (10), SOAP (2), Sanselan (2), Santuario XML Security for Java (3), Sentry (2), ServiceComb-Java-Chassis (1), ServiceComb Service-Center (2), ServiceComb ServiceCenter (1), ShardingSphere (2), ShardingSphere-Proxy (1), ShardingSphere-UI (1), ShardingSphere ElasticJob-UI (2), ShenYu (8), ShenYu Admin (1), Shindig (1), Shiro (16), SkyWalking (2), SkyWalking NodeJS (1), Sling (10), Sling API (2), Sling App CMS (2), Sling Commons JSON Bundle (1), Sling Commons Log (1), Sling Commons Messaging Mail (1), Sling JCR Base (1), Sling JCR ContentLoader (1), Sling Resource Merger (1), Sling Servlets Post (1), Sling Servlets Resolver (1), Sling XSS Protection API (1), Solr (35), Solr Operator (1), SpamAssassin (8), Spark (11), Spark UI (1), Standard Taglibs (1), Storm (11), StreamPark (12), StreamPipes (5), Struts (92), Struts2 (1), Struts REST Plugin (1), Submarine (2), Submarine Commons Utils (1), Submarine Server Core (2), Subversion (44), Superset (50), Synapse (1), Syncope (10), Syncope EndUser (1), SystemDS (1), Tapestry (10), Thrift (5), Thrift Java Client Library (1), Thrift Node.js Static Web Server (1), Tika (20), Tike (1), Tiles (2), TomEE (4), Tomcat (214), Tomcat Connectors (1), Tomcat JK ISAPI Connector (2), Tomcat JK Web Server Connector (2), Tomcat Native (2), Tomcat Native Connector (1), Tomcat Security Manager (1), Tomcat Servlet Engine (1), Traffic Control (5), Traffic Control Traffic Ops (1), Traffic Server (58), UIMA (1), UIMA DUCC (2), UIMA Java SDK CPE (1), UIMA Java SDK Core (1), UIMA Java SDK Tools (1), UIMA Java SDK Vinci Adapter (1), Unomi (3), VCL (1), Velocity Engine (1), Velocity Tools (1), WSS4J (2), Wicket (17), Wink (1), XAMPP (3), XML-RPC (1), XML Graphics Batik (3), XML Security (1), XML Security for C++ (6), XML Security for Java (1), Xalan-Java (1), Xerces (1), Xerces-C (4), Xerces-C++ (5), Xerces2 (1), Xerces C++ (2), Xerces Java (1), XmlGraphics Commons (1), Zeppelin (17), Zeppelin SAP (1), ZooKeeper (2), ZooKeper (1), Zookeeper (4), ant (2), axis2 (1), bRPC (3), couchdb (1), expressions (1), httpd (1), jUDDI (5), jUDDI Console (1), jserv (1), libapreq2 (1), libcloud (1), log4j (1), log4net (2), macOS (1), maven-shared-utils (1), mod_auth_radius (1), mod_python (1), qpid (2), roller (1), uima-as (1), uimaDUCC (1), uimaFIT (1), uimaj (1), wicket-jquery-ui (1)

Link to Vendor Website: https://www.apache.org/

26.07.20243.53.4Apache Roller User Profile Cross Site ScriptingUnbekanntNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000000.06+CVE-2024-25090
25.07.20246.36.0Apache Traffic Server Privilege EscalationUnbekanntNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000000.62CVE-2024-35296
25.07.20246.36.0Apache Traffic Server Chunked Trailer Section erweiterte RechteUnbekanntNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000000.37CVE-2024-35161
25.07.20246.36.0Apache Traffic Server Field Name erweiterte RechteUnbekanntNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000000.28CVE-2023-38522
24.07.20246.36.0Apache Drill XML Format Plugin XML External EntityUnbekanntNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.30CVE-2023-48362
24.07.20243.53.4Apache Pinot Information DisclosureUnbekanntNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.12CVE-2024-39676
23.07.20243.53.4Apache Arrow Rust Object Store AWS WebIdentityTokens Information DisclosureUnbekanntNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.26CVE-2024-41178
22.07.20243.73.6Apache StreamPark Logout schwache AuthentisierungUnbekanntNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.04CVE-2024-29070
22.07.20244.34.1Apache StreamPark erweiterte RechteUnbekanntNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.00CVE-2024-34457
22.07.20245.55.3Apache Syncope Text Field erweiterte RechteUnbekanntNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.07CVE-2024-38503
22.07.20243.53.4Apache RocketMQ Information DisclosureUnbekanntNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.25CVE-2024-23321
19.07.20245.04.8Apache CloudStack CloudStack SAML Authentication schwache AuthentisierungCloud SoftwareNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000460.31CVE-2024-41107
18.07.20243.53.4Apache CXF CXF HTTP Client Denial of ServiceApplication Server SoftwareNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.06CVE-2024-41172
18.07.20245.55.4Apache CXF JOSE Denial of ServiceApplication Server SoftwareNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000620.23CVE-2024-32007
18.07.20245.55.3Apache CXF WADL Stylesheet erweiterte RechteApplication Server SoftwareNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.11CVE-2024-29736
18.07.20246.36.0Apache StreamPark Template erweiterte RechteUnbekanntNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.04CVE-2024-29178
17.07.20246.36.0Apache HTTP Server mod_rewrite erweiterte RechteWeb ServerNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.11CVE-2024-40898
17.07.20245.35.1Apache HTTP Server Configuration Information DisclosureWeb ServerNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.29CVE-2024-40725
17.07.20244.34.1Apache StreamPark Backend Service Information DisclosureUnbekanntNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.03CVE-2024-29120
17.07.20244.74.6Apache StreamPark Project Module erweiterte RechteUnbekanntNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.003560.03CVE-2024-29737
17.07.20245.55.2Apache StreamPark Maven Build Parameter erweiterte RechteUnbekanntProof-of-ConceptOfficial Fix0.003560.04CVE-2023-52291
17.07.20245.35.2Apache StreamPipes Installation erweiterte RechteUnbekanntNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.03CVE-2024-31979
17.07.20246.36.0Apache StreamPipes erweiterte RechteUnbekanntNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.04CVE-2024-31411
17.07.20243.73.6Apache StreamPipes Self-Registration Race ConditionUnbekanntNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.09CVE-2024-30471
16.07.20247.57.4Apache Airflow Scheduler erweiterte RechteUnbekanntNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000670.07CVE-2024-39877
16.07.20244.44.4Apache Airflow Provider Installation Cross Site ScriptingUnbekanntNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000440.07CVE-2024-39863
16.07.20245.35.2Apache Superset inet_client_addr SQL InjectionUnbekanntNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.06CVE-2024-39887
16.07.20244.34.1Apache StreamPark streampark-console SQL InjectionUnbekanntNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.00CVE-2023-52290
14.07.20244.34.1Apache Linkis DataSource DatasourceManager Directory TraversalUnbekanntNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000450.04CVE-2023-41916
13.07.20246.36.0Apache Linkis DataSource JDBC Datasource Module erweiterte RechteUnbekanntNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000650.04CVE-2023-49566
13.07.20246.36.0Apache Linkis DataSource MySQL Data Source erweiterte RechteUnbekanntNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000650.00CVE-2023-46801
12.07.20246.36.0Apache Wicket XSLTResourceStream.java erweiterte RechteUnbekanntNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.09CVE-2024-36522
08.07.20244.54.5Apache NiFi Parameter Context Configuration Cross Site ScriptingUnbekanntNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000440.04CVE-2024-37389
05.07.20249.29.1Apache CloudStack API Server Remote Code ExecutionCloud SoftwareNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.001890.00CVE-2024-39864
05.07.20249.89.7Apache CloudStack Service Port 9090 erweiterte RechteCloud SoftwareNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.001890.20CVE-2024-38346
03.07.20246.46.3Apache Tomcat HTTP/2 Stream erweiterte RechteApplication Server SoftwareNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.11CVE-2024-34750
03.07.20245.35.1Apache HTTP Server AddType Information DisclosureWeb ServerNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000450.11CVE-2024-39884
01.07.20247.47.2Apache HTTP Server mod_rewrite erweiterte RechteWeb ServerNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.14CVE-2024-39573
01.07.20245.35.1Apache HTTP Server Backend Application Information DisclosureWeb ServerNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.04CVE-2024-38476
01.07.20248.28.0Apache HTTP Server mod_rewrite erweiterte RechteWeb ServerNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.37CVE-2024-38475
01.07.20247.37.0Apache HTTP Server mod_rewrite Remote Code ExecutionWeb ServerNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.11CVE-2024-38474
01.07.20247.37.0Apache HTTP Server Proxy Encoding Remote Code ExecutionWeb ServerNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.09CVE-2024-38473
01.07.20245.35.1Apache HTTP Server mod_proxy Denial of ServiceWeb ServerNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.17CVE-2024-38477
01.07.20247.47.2Apache HTTP Server UNC erweiterte RechteWeb ServerNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.11CVE-2024-38472
01.07.20245.35.1Apache HTTP Server Websocket over HTTP/2 Denial of ServiceWeb ServerNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.03CVE-2024-36387
26.06.20247.36.9Apache XML Security for C++ XML Signature erweiterte RechteUnbekanntProof-of-ConceptNot Defined0.000620.04CVE-2024-34580
24.06.20243.53.4Apache JSPWiki Upload Page Cross Site ScriptingContent Management SystemNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.04CVE-2024-27136
22.06.20242.62.5Apache StreamPipes Self-Registration/Password Recovery schwache VerschlüsselungUnbekanntNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.09CVE-2024-29868
21.06.20242.42.3Apache Allura Cross Site ScriptingUnbekanntNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.04CVE-2024-38379
20.06.20244.74.7Apache Superset MariaDB Connection Information DisclosureUnbekanntNot DefinedOfficial Fix0.000430.04CVE-2024-34693

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