Submit #277705: Jpshop Jpshop <=1.5.02 Arbitrary File Uploadinfo

TitleJpshop Jpshop <=1.5.02 Arbitrary File Upload
DescriptionThe Jpshop software, version 1.5.02 and earlier, has an Arbitrary File Upload vulnerability in the /api/controllers/merchant/shop/PosterController.php file. This vulnerability occurs in the actionUpdate function, where a parameter named 'pic_url' can be manipulated to upload a file, which is saved without proper validation. This could potentially allow an attacker to upload malicious files, such as a PHP script, posing significant security risks including remote code execution.
Userglzjin (ID 59815)
Submission05/02/2024 06:59 (4 months ago)
Moderation06/02/2024 09:29 (1 day later)
VulDB Entry253002

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