Submit #287588: LightPicture LightPicture <=v1.2.2 Authentication bypassinfo

TitleLightPicture LightPicture <=v1.2.2 Authentication bypass
DescriptionThe LightPicture software, in versions up to and including v1.2.2, has an authentication bypass vulnerability due to the use of a fixed JWT key in the TokenVerify.php middleware. This flaw allows an attacker to create an admin-level JWT token by leveraging a script that uses the fixed key. Once the token is generated and set in the localStorage under the name 'lp_token', and the page is refreshed, the attacker gains admin-level access. This issue poses a significant security risk as it can lead to unauthorized access and potential misuse of the application.
Userglzjin (ID 59815)
Submission2024-02-25 05:02 (3 months ago)
Moderation2024-02-27 08:27 (2 days later)
VulDB Entry254855

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