Risk Metrics

VulDB supports different risk metrics that help to determine critical vulnerabilities which need prioritized attention:

MetricUpdatesTimingKB Article
Internal Risk RatingManualStaticRisk
CVSSv2, CVSSv3, CVSSv4 Base ScoreManualStaticCVSS
CVSSv2, CVSSv3, CVSSv4 Temp ScoreManualSlowCVSS
Bugbounty Payout PricesManualStaticBug Bounty Price
Exploitability LevelManualStaticExploitability
Exploit Prices 0dayManualStaticExploit Prices
Exploit Prices TodayAutomaticDailyExploit Prices
Known Exploited Vulnerabilities CatalogManualSlowKEV
EPSS Exploit Prediction Scoring SystemAutomaticSlowEPSS
CTI Activity ScoresAutomaticReal-timeCTI
Risk Ratings of Other Sources (e.g. Qualys, Nessus, PVS, Secunia)ManualStaticSources

已更新: 2024-06-13

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