Payment Methods

We provide a wide variety of payment methods for commercial and enterprise customers. All contracts require an Upfront Payment.

 ♞ Commercial Credit Card♞ Commercial Invoice👑 Enterprise Invoice
Minimum Runtime1 month (flexible)12 months (reliable)12 months (reliable)
Supported Methodscredit card (self-checkout)invoice2invoice2
Invoice Recipientsregistered VulDB user1custom receiptscustom receipts
Quotenot supportedPDF on requestcustom
Purchase Ordernot supportedon requestsupported
Invoice Formatnot supportedPDF filePDF file
Discount Possibilitiesnot supportedlong-term subscriptionslong-term subscriptions, extended archive access, stacked features
 ⇒ Purchase now💳⇒ Request Quote🧾⇒ Request Quote🧾

1 All credit card payments are fully automated and handled by our external partner Stripe. We do not send receipts nor invoices ourselves. Therefore, our support capabilities are very limited. Custom invoicing is possible with other payment methods.

2 Banking details will be delivered with the customer invoice. If you need such beforehand for a vendor onboarding please contact us.

تم التحديث: 16/05/2024 بحسب VulDB Documentation Team

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