VulDB is a service provided by pyxyp inc. Please find our confirmed banking information below.
Payment Address
Company Name | pyxyp inc. |
Street | Badenerstrasse 623 |
City | 8048 Zürich |
Country | Switzerland |
Phone | +41 44 533 17 27 |
Web Site | |
Google Maps | Locate | | Locate |
Bank Address
Bank Name | UBS Switzerland AG |
Street | Bahnhofstrasse 45 |
City | 8001 Zürich |
Country | Switzerland |
Phone | +41 44 234 11 11 |
Web Site | |
Google Maps | Locate | | Locate |
Bank Details
Bank Code | UBSW |
Sort Code | 023079 |
Country Code | CH |
Location Code | ZH |
Branch Code | 80A |
Head Office | UBSWCHZH |
Routing Number | not applicable |
Details | Link |
Banking Relationship
During an extended onboarding process (additional purchase required) we will deliver two documents which provide a proof of our banking relationship. By default and as mentioned in our contracts we do not provide additional means for banking confirmation (e.g. via phone).
Bank Confirmation Details | Verifiable with this KB entry | ✅ |
Bank Relationshop Confirmation | Customer Code 0230 ***119 | ✅ |
IBAN per Currency
Please use the appropriate account per currency. If you need to do payments with other currencies, just let us know. Always cross-verify our banking details before payment execution to prevent invoice fraud.
USD | CH26 0023 **** **** 1961 F | ✅ |
EUR | CH64 0023 **** **** 1960 D | ✅ |
CHF | CH14 0023 **** **** 1901 N | ✅ |
Credit Card Payments
If you want to do a purchase via credit card, just let us know.
Uppdaterad: 18/03/2024 förbi VulDB Documentation Team