VDB-76824 · CVE-2015-3827 · BID 76052

Google Android up to 5.1.1 Stagefright Video File memory corruption

CVSS Meta Temp Score
CVSS is a standardized scoring system to determine possibilities of attacks. The Temp Score considers temporal factors like disclosure, exploit and countermeasures. The unique Meta Score calculates the average score of different sources to provide a normalized scoring system.
Current Exploit Price (≈)
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CTI Interest Score
Our Cyber Threat Intelligence team is monitoring different web sites, mailing lists, exploit markets and social media networks. The CTI Interest Score identifies the interest of attackers and the security community for this specific vulnerability in real-time. A high score indicates an elevated risk to be targeted for this vulnerability.

A vulnerability classified as very critical has been found in Google Android (Smartphone Operating System). Affected is some unknown processing of the component Stagefright. The manipulation as part of a Video File leads to a memory corruption vulnerability. CWE is classifying the issue as CWE-119. The product performs operations on a memory buffer, but it can read from or write to a memory location that is outside of the intended boundary of the buffer. This is going to have an impact on confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

The issue has been introduced in 05/20/2010. The weakness was shared 07/27/2015 by Joshua Drake with Zimperium zLabs as Stagefright: It Only Takes One Text To Hack 950 Million Android Phones as not defined article (Forbes). The advisory is shared for download at forbes.com. The vendor cooperated in the coordination of the public release. This vulnerability is traded as CVE-2015-3827 since 05/12/2015. It is possible to launch the attack remotely. The exploitation doesn't require any form of authentication. Technical details are unknown but a public exploit is available. The current price for an exploit might be approx. USD $0-$5k (estimation calculated on 06/03/2022). It is expected to see the exploit prices for this product increasing in the near future.This vulnerability has a historic impact due to its background and reception. The advisory points out:

Six critical vulnerabilities have left 95 per cent of Google Android phones open to an attack delivered by a simple multimedia text, a mobile security expert warned today. (...) All attackers would need to send out exploits would be mobile phone numbers, Drake noted. From there, they could send an exploit packaged in a Stagefright multimedia message (MMS), which would let them write code to the device and steal data from sections of the phone that can be reached with Stagefright’s permissions. That would allow for recording of audio and video, and snooping on photos stored in SD cards. Bluetooth would also be hackable via Stagefright.

A public exploit has been developed in Python. The exploit is shared for download at securityfocus.com. It is declared as proof-of-concept. The vulnerability was handled as a non-public zero-day exploit for at least 1894 days. During that time the estimated underground price was around $25k-$100k. The advisory illustrates:

The researcher noted that on some older devices, including the Samsung S4 and the LG Optimus Elite, the exploitable process runs with system-level privileges, providing wide access across the phone.

Applying a patch is able to eliminate this problem. The article contains the following remark:

Google informed HTC of the issue and provided the necessary patches, which HTC began rolling into projects in early July. All projects going forward contain the required fix.
According to Ars Technica the Nexus 5 running 5.1.1 is still fully exploitable and the Nexus 6 is only partially patched.

The vulnerability is also documented in the databases at SecurityFocus (BID 76052†), SecurityTracker (ID 1033094†) and Vulnerability Center (SBV-51636†). Further details are available at blog.zimperium.com.


  • Blackphone PrivatOS up to 1.1.6
  • CyanogenMod up to 12.0
  • Google Android up to 5.1.1

Not Affected

  • Blackphone PrivatOS 1.1.7
  • CyanogenMod 12.1
  • Google Android up to 2.1







CPE 2.3info

CPE 2.2info




VulDB CVSS-B Score: 🔍
VulDB CVSS-BT Score: 🔍
VulDB Vector: 🔍
VulDB Reliability: 🔍


VulDB Meta Base Score: 7.3
VulDB Meta Temp Score: 6.0

VulDB Base Score: 7.3
VulDB Temp Score: 6.0
VulDB Vector: 🔍
VulDB Reliability: 🔍



VulDB Base Score: 🔍
VulDB Temp Score: 🔍
VulDB Reliability: 🔍

NVD Base Score: 🔍


Class: Memory corruption
CWE: CWE-119

Local: No
Remote: Yes

Availability: 🔍
Access: Public
Status: Proof-of-Concept
Programming Language: 🔍
Download: 🔍

EPSS Score: 🔍
EPSS Percentile: 🔍

Price Prediction: 🔍
Current Price Estimation: 🔍


Threat Intelligenceinfo

Interest: 🔍
Active Actors: 🔍
Active APT Groups: 🔍


Recommended: Patch
Status: 🔍

0-Day Time: 🔍
Fortigate IPS: 🔍


05/20/2010 🔍
04/09/2015 +1785 days 🔍
05/12/2015 +33 days 🔍
07/27/2015 +76 days 🔍
07/27/2015 +0 days 🔍
07/27/2015 +0 days 🔍
07/28/2015 +1 days 🔍
07/28/2015 +0 days 🔍
07/28/2015 +0 days 🔍
09/30/2015 +64 days 🔍
06/03/2022 +2438 days 🔍


Vendor: google.com

Advisory: Stagefright: It Only Takes One Text To Hack 950 Million Android Phones
Researcher: Joshua Drake
Organization: Zimperium zLabs
Status: Not defined
Confirmation: 🔍
Coordinated: 🔍

CVE: CVE-2015-3827 (🔍)
SecurityFocus: 76052 - Google Stagefright Media Playback Engine Multiple Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilities
SecurityTracker: 1033094 - Google Android MMS Media Processing Flaw Lets Remote Users Execute Arbitrary Code on the Target System
Vulnerability Center: 51636 - Google Android 2.2 - 5.1.1 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability via Crafted MMS - CVE-2015-3827, Critical

scip Labs: https://www.scip.ch/en/?labs.20150917
Misc.: 🔍


Created: 07/28/2015 17:00
Updated: 06/03/2022 22:44
Changes: 07/28/2015 17:00 (78), 08/03/2017 03:24 (13), 06/03/2022 22:44 (3)
Complete: 🔍
Cache ID: 18:AE3:103


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