Ruby on Rails 3.0/4.0 rails-html-sanitizer cross site scripting

CVSS Meta Temp Score
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Current Exploit Price (≈)
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CTI Interest Score
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A vulnerability classified as problematic was found in Ruby on Rails 3.0/4.0 (Programming Language Software). Affected by this vulnerability is the function rails-html-sanitizer. The manipulation with an unknown input leads to a cross site scripting vulnerability. The CWE definition for the vulnerability is CWE-79. The product does not neutralize or incorrectly neutralizes user-controllable input before it is placed in output that is used as a web page that is served to other users. As an impact it is known to affect confidentiality, and integrity. The summary by CVE is:

Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the rails-html-sanitizer gem before 1.0.3 for Ruby on Rails 4.2.x and 5.x allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via crafted tag attributes.

The weakness was disclosed 01/25/2016 by Ben Murphy as confirmed release notes (Website). The advisory is shared at This vulnerability is known as CVE-2015-7578 since 09/29/2015. The exploitation appears to be easy. The attack can be launched remotely. The exploitation doesn't need any form of authentication. It demands that the victim is doing some kind of user interaction. Technical details are known, but no exploit is available. MITRE ATT&CK project uses the attack technique T1059.007 for this issue.

The vulnerability scanner Nessus provides a plugin with the ID 88606 (openSUSE Security Update : rubygem-rails-html-sanitizer (openSUSE-2016-148)), which helps to determine the existence of the flaw in a target environment. It is assigned to the family SuSE Local Security Checks. The commercial vulnerability scanner Qualys is able to test this issue with plugin 124814 (Fedora Security Update for rubygem-rails-html-sanitizer (FEDORA-2016-3a2606f993)).

Upgrading to version, or eliminates this vulnerability. A possible mitigation has been published immediately after the disclosure of the vulnerability.

The vulnerability is also documented in the databases at X-Force (110101), Tenable (88606), SecurityFocus (BID 81802†) and Vulnerability Center (SBV-57267†).






CPE 2.3info

CPE 2.2info


VulDB CVSS-B Score: 🔍
VulDB CVSS-BT Score: 🔍
VulDB Vector: 🔍
VulDB Reliability: 🔍


VulDB Meta Base Score: 5.7
VulDB Meta Temp Score: 5.4

VulDB Base Score: 5.4
VulDB Temp Score: 4.7
VulDB Vector: 🔍
VulDB Reliability: 🔍

NVD Base Score: 6.1
NVD Vector: 🔍



VulDB Base Score: 🔍
VulDB Temp Score: 🔍
VulDB Reliability: 🔍

NVD Base Score: 🔍


Class: Cross site scripting
CWE: CWE-79 / CWE-74 / CWE-707

Local: No
Remote: Yes

Availability: 🔍
Status: Unproven

EPSS Score: 🔍
EPSS Percentile: 🔍

Price Prediction: 🔍
Current Price Estimation: 🔍


Nessus ID: 88606
Nessus Name: openSUSE Security Update : rubygem-rails-html-sanitizer (openSUSE-2016-148)
Nessus File: 🔍
Nessus Risk: 🔍
Nessus Family: 🔍

OpenVAS ID: 867773
OpenVAS Name: Fedora Update for rubygem-rails-html-sanitizer FEDORA-2016-59
OpenVAS File: 🔍
OpenVAS Family: 🔍

Qualys ID: 🔍
Qualys Name: 🔍

Threat Intelligenceinfo

Interest: 🔍
Active Actors: 🔍
Active APT Groups: 🔍


Recommended: Upgrade
Status: 🔍

Reaction Time: 🔍
0-Day Time: 🔍
Exposure Time: 🔍

Upgrade: Ruby on Rails


09/29/2015 🔍
01/25/2016 +118 days 🔍
01/25/2016 +0 days 🔍
01/25/2016 +0 days 🔍
01/27/2016 +2 days 🔍
02/15/2016 +19 days 🔍
03/03/2016 +17 days 🔍
03/14/2016 +11 days 🔍
07/06/2022 +2305 days 🔍


Advisory: 297161e29a3e11186ce4c02bf7defc088bf544d4
Researcher: Ben Murphy
Status: Confirmed
Confirmation: 🔍

CVE: CVE-2015-7578 (🔍)
X-Force: 110101 - Ruby on Rails rails-html-sanitizer cross-site scripting
SecurityFocus: 81802 - Ruby on Rails rails-html-sanitizer Multple Cross Site Scripting Vulnerabilities
SecurityTracker: 1034816
Vulnerability Center: 57267 - ails-html-sanitizer gem 1.0.2 for Ruby on Rails Remote XSS via a Crafted Tag Attributes, Medium


Created: 01/27/2016 10:45
Updated: 07/06/2022 10:41
Changes: 01/27/2016 10:45 (45), 01/31/2019 13:37 (40), 07/06/2022 10:29 (6), 07/06/2022 10:35 (1), 07/06/2022 10:41 (1)
Complete: 🔍
Cache ID: 18:5C2:103


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