D-Link IP Cameras upnp/asf-mp4.asf information disclosure ⚔ [Disputed]

CVSS Meta Temp Score
CVSS is a standardized scoring system to determine possibilities of attacks. The Temp Score considers temporal factors like disclosure, exploit and countermeasures. The unique Meta Score calculates the average score of different sources to provide a normalized scoring system.
Current Exploit Price (≈)
Our analysts are monitoring exploit markets and are in contact with vulnerability brokers. The range indicates the observed or calculated exploit price to be seen on exploit markets. A good indicator to understand the monetary effort required for and the popularity of an attack.
CTI Interest Score
Our Cyber Threat Intelligence team is monitoring different web sites, mailing lists, exploit markets and social media networks. The CTI Interest Score identifies the interest of attackers and the security community for this specific vulnerability in real-time. A high score indicates an elevated risk to be targeted for this vulnerability.

A vulnerability has been found in D-Link IP Cameras (Network Camera Software) and classified as problematic. This vulnerability affects an unknown code of the file upnp/asf-mp4.asf. The manipulation with an unknown input leads to a information disclosure vulnerability. The CWE definition for the vulnerability is CWE-200. The product exposes sensitive information to an actor that is not explicitly authorized to have access to that information. As an impact it is known to affect confidentiality.

The weakness was disclosed 04/29/2013 by Francisco Falcon and Nahuel Riva with Core Exploit Writers Team as CORE-2013-0303 as confirmed advisory (Website). The advisory is shared for download at coresecurity.com. The public release has been coordinated in cooperation with the vendor. This vulnerability was named CVE-2013-1600 since 02/04/2013. The exploitation appears to be easy. The attack can be initiated remotely. No form of authentication is required for a successful exploitation. Technical details and also a public exploit are known. The MITRE ATT&CK project declares the attack technique as T1592.

A public exploit has been developed by Core Security and been published immediately after the advisory. It is possible to download the exploit at coresecurity.com. It is declared as proof-of-concept. The real existence of this vulnerability is still doubted at the moment.

Applying a patch is able to eliminate this problem. A possible mitigation has been published even before and not after the disclosure of the vulnerability.

The vulnerability is also documented in the databases at Exploit-DB (25138), SecurityFocus (BID 59566†), OSVDB (92861†), Secunia (SA53211†) and Vulnerability Center (SBV-39404†).


  • DCS-2102 1.05_RU/1.06/1.06_FR/1.05_TESCO
  • DCS-2121 1.05_RU/1.06/1.06_FR/1.05_TESCO






CPE 2.3info

CPE 2.2info


VulDB CVSS-B Score: 🔍
VulDB CVSS-BT Score: 🔍
VulDB Vector: 🔍
VulDB Reliability: 🔍


VulDB Meta Base Score: 5.3
VulDB Meta Temp Score: 5.0

VulDB Base Score: 5.3
VulDB Temp Score: 4.8
VulDB Vector: 🔍
VulDB Reliability: 🔍

NVD Base Score: 5.3
NVD Vector: 🔍



VulDB Base Score: 🔍
VulDB Temp Score: 🔍
VulDB Reliability: 🔍

NVD Base Score: 🔍


Class: Information disclosure
CWE: CWE-200 / CWE-284 / CWE-266

Local: No
Remote: Yes

Availability: 🔍
Access: Public
Status: Proof-of-Concept
Author: Core Security
Download: 🔍

EPSS Score: 🔍
EPSS Percentile: 🔍

Price Prediction: 🔍
Current Price Estimation: 🔍


Exploit-DB: 🔍

Threat Intelligenceinfo

Interest: 🔍
Active Actors: 🔍
Active APT Groups: 🔍


Recommended: Patch
Status: 🔍

0-Day Time: 🔍
Exploit Delay Time: 🔍
Suricata ID: 2019802
Suricata Class: 🔍
Suricata Message: 🔍
Fortigate IPS: 🔍


02/04/2013 🔍
04/25/2013 +80 days 🔍
04/29/2013 +4 days 🔍
04/29/2013 +0 days 🔍
04/29/2013 +0 days 🔍
05/01/2013 +2 days 🔍
05/01/2013 +0 days 🔍
05/03/2013 +2 days 🔍
05/06/2013 +3 days 🔍
05/10/2021 +2926 days 🔍


Vendor: dlink.com

Advisory: CORE-2013-0303
Researcher: Francisco Falcon, Nahuel Riva
Organization: Core Exploit Writers Team
Status: Confirmed
Coordinated: 🔍
Disputed: 🔍

CVE: CVE-2013-1600 (🔍)
X-Force: 83916
SecurityFocus: 59566 - Multiple D-Link Products CVE-2013-1600 Authentication Bypass Vulnerability
Secunia: 53211 - D-Link IP Cameras Two Security Bypass Security Issues, Less Critical
OSVDB: 92861
Vulnerability Center: 39404 - D-Link DCS IP Cameras Remote Authentication Bypass Vulnerability via HTTP Request, Medium

scip Labs: https://www.scip.ch/en/?labs.20161013


Created: 05/06/2013 12:18
Updated: 05/10/2021 12:15
Changes: 05/06/2013 12:18 (72), 04/28/2017 10:08 (2), 05/10/2021 12:08 (3), 05/10/2021 12:15 (16)
Complete: 🔍
Cache ID: 3:6CA:103


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