Title | 北京百卓网络技术有限公司 Smart S150 Smart V31R02B15 Download any file |
Description | Where backup files are configured, there is no filtering of parameters for downloading files, which can result in the downloading of arbitrary sensitive files such as passwd |
Source | ⚠️ https://github.com/GTA12138/vul/blob/main/smart%20s150/s150%20Download%20any%20file/smart%20s150%20download%20any%20file.md |
User | rollingchair (UID 56410) |
Submission | 01/10/2024 03:36 AM (11 months ago) |
Moderation | 01/19/2024 08:10 AM (9 days later) |
Status | Accepted |
VulDB Entry | 251541 [Byzoro Smart S150 Management Platform V31R02B15 Backup File /log/download.php information disclosure] |
Points | 15 |