Submit #271724: Codeastro Stock Management System 1 Cross-Site Scriptinginfo

TitleCodeastro Stock Management System 1 Cross-Site Scripting
DescriptionProject Name: Stock Management System Vendor: Project Link: [Stock Management System]( Vulnerability Type: Cross-site Scripting Affected Parameter: http://localhost/StockManagementSystem/index.php Severity: Medium Description: The Stock Management System is vulnerable to cross-site scripting attack in index.php when an attacker enters a script payload in the “Category Name”, “Category Description” of the ADD CATEGORY button at Categories module. When the user click on the categories module the alert prompt will be popping up. Exploited Parameter: - Category Name and Category Description field of the ADD CATEGORY button in the Categories module. Payloads Used: <script>alert(“category”)</script> <script>alert(“categoryd”)</script> Recommendations: 1. *Input Validation:* Implement strict input validation to prevent XSS injection. 2. *Update System:* Keep the Stock Management System, PHP, and server components up-to-date with the latest security patches. 3. *Security Audits:* Regularly audit system security and consider professional assessments to identify and fix vulnerabilities. 4. *Education:*The application developers on secure coding practices, emphasizing input validation and secure database handling. Timeline: - Discovery Date: [23/01/2024]
UserMohammed Aashique (ID 62025)
Submission01/23/2024 08:31 (4 months ago)
Moderation01/26/2024 18:11 (3 days later)
VulDB Entry252203

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