Submit #273438: Beijing Baizhuo Network Technology Co., LTD Smart S40 management platform S40 files uploadinfo

TitleBeijing Baizhuo Network Technology Co., LTD Smart S40 management platform S40 files upload
DescriptionBeijing Baizhuo Network Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Baizhuo Network) is a high-tech enterprise dedicated to building the next generation of secure Internet.There is a file upload vulnerability in Byzro Networks Smart S40 gateway intelligent management platform. An attacker can exploit the vulnerability to gain server permissions and manipulate server files.
Userb51s77 (ID 62463)
Submission01/26/2024 11:09 (6 months ago)
Moderation02/06/2024 09:13 (11 days later)
VulDB Entry252992

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