Submit #277871: Codeastro Restaurant POS System 1.0 Stored Cross-Site Scriptinfo

TitleCodeastro Restaurant POS System 1.0 Stored Cross-Site Script
Description The Restaurant POS System is vulnerable to cross-site scripting attack in “dashboard.php” when an attacker enters a script payload in the “Full Name” field of the “create_account.php” . When the User Logs in to the Dash Board, The XSS is Triggered. It is also triggered in other endpoints along with “admin/customes.php” on Admin Login. Vulnerability Details - Vulnerability Type: Stored XSS - Affected URL: http://localhost/RestaurantPOS/Restro/customer/dashboard.php - Affected URL: http://localhost/RestaurantPOS/Restro/admin/customes.php - Exploited Parameter: “Full Name “ field at “create_account.php” . -Payloads Used: <img src=x onerror=alert(document.cookie)> Recommendations: 1. Input Validation: Implement strict input validation to prevent XSS injection. 2. Update System: Keep the Restaurant POS System , PHP, and server components up-to-date with the latest security patches. 3. Security Audits: Regularly audit system security and consider professional assessments to identify and fix vulnerabilities. 4. Education: The application developers on secure coding practices, emphasizing input validation and secure database handling.
UserVishnuDev1 (ID 63087)
Submission02/05/2024 14:30 (3 months ago)
Moderation02/06/2024 09:43 (19 hours later)
VulDB Entry253010

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