Title | Netgear WN604 Missing Authentication |
Description | The siteSurvey.php file of Netgear WN604 has an unauthorized access vulnerability. Unauthenticated remote attackers can exploit this vulnerability to access the siteSurvey.php page and obtain sensitive information such as the SSID, security type, encryption method, and channel of the wireless network. This information could be used for further network attacks or security threats. |
Source | ⚠️ https://wiki.shikangsi.com/post/share/e8a2a0a0-5e72-4bb1-8805-cf155a89f583 |
User | wiki (ID 72124) |
Submission | 07/18/2024 07:26 PM (2 months ago) |
Moderation | 07/27/2024 07:50 AM (9 days later) |
Status | Accepted |
VulDB Entry | 272556 |