Submit #78593: Online Tours & Travels Management System V1.0 admin/expense_report.php to_date sql injectioninfo

TitleOnline Tours & Travels Management System V1.0 admin/expense_report.php to_date sql injection
DescriptionA vulnerability classified as serious has been found in the Online Tours&Travels Management System V 1.0. This will affect the file admin/expense_report.php. The to_date parameter is directly spliced into the sql statement and executed without any filtering .Causes malicious users to modify to_date parameters and splice malicious sql statements for attack
Userhaicheng.zhang (ID 38987)
Submission01/27/2023 11:26 (1 Year ago)
Moderation01/27/2023 11:42 (16 minutes later)
VulDB EntryVDB-219603

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