KDE Plasma Workspace up to 5.93.0 Theme File eventpluginsmanager.cpp enabledPlugins pluginId path traversal

CVSS Meta Temp Score
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Current Exploit Price (≈)
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CTI Interest Score
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A vulnerability, which was classified as problematic, was found in KDE Plasma Workspace up to 5.93.0. This affects the function EventPluginsManager::enabledPlugins of the file components/calendar/eventpluginsmanager.cpp of the component Theme File Handler. The manipulation of the argument pluginId with an unknown input leads to a path traversal vulnerability. CWE is classifying the issue as CWE-22. The product uses external input to construct a pathname that is intended to identify a file or directory that is located underneath a restricted parent directory, but the product does not properly neutralize special elements within the pathname that can cause the pathname to resolve to a location that is outside of the restricted directory. This is going to have an impact on integrity.

The weakness was disclosed 02/11/2024 as 6cdf42916369ebf4ad5bd876c4dfa0170d7b2f01. It is possible to read the advisory at github.com. This vulnerability is uniquely identified as CVE-2024-1433. It demands that the victim is doing some kind of user interaction. Technical details of the vulnerability are known, but there is no available exploit. The attack technique deployed by this issue is T1006 according to MITRE ATT&CK.

This requires write access to user's home or the installation of third party global themes.

Applying the patch 6cdf42916369ebf4ad5bd876c4dfa0170d7b2f01 is able to eliminate this problem. The bugfix is ready for download at github.com. The advisory contains the following remark:

digital-calendar plasma applet is vulnerable to directory traversal attack which allows an arbitrary .so library file to be leaded as a plasma calendar plugin.

This vulnerability can be triggered via theme files that provide a config for the digital-clock applet which includes `enabledCalendarPlugins` that uses directory traversal to load arbitrary .so from the filesystem.

The entries VDB-112918, VDB-112919 and VDB-267027 are pretty similar.






CPE 2.3info

CPE 2.2info


VulDB CVSS-B Score: 🔒
VulDB CVSS-BT Score: 🔒
VulDB Vector: 🔒
VulDB Reliability: 🔍


VulDB Meta Base Score: 3.1
VulDB Meta Temp Score: 3.0

VulDB Base Score: 3.1
VulDB Temp Score: 3.0
VulDB Vector: 🔒
VulDB Reliability: 🔍

CNA Base Score: 3.1
CNA Vector (VulDB): 🔒



VulDB Base Score: 🔒
VulDB Temp Score: 🔒
VulDB Reliability: 🔍

NVD Base Score: 🔒


Class: Path traversal

Local: No
Remote: Yes

Availability: 🔒
Status: Not defined

EPSS Score: 🔒
EPSS Percentile: 🔒

Price Prediction: 🔍
Current Price Estimation: 🔒


Threat Intelligenceinfo

Interest: 🔍
Active Actors: 🔍
Active APT Groups: 🔍


Recommended: Patch
Status: 🔍

0-Day Time: 🔒

Patch: 6cdf42916369ebf4ad5bd876c4dfa0170d7b2f01


02/11/2024 Advisory disclosed
02/11/2024 +0 days CVE reserved
02/11/2024 +0 days VulDB entry created
03/03/2024 +21 days VulDB entry last update


Vendor: kde.org

Advisory: 6cdf42916369ebf4ad5bd876c4dfa0170d7b2f01
Status: Confirmed

CVE: CVE-2024-1433 (🔒)
See also: 🔒


Created: 02/11/2024 09:54
Updated: 03/03/2024 13:56
Changes: 02/11/2024 09:54 (46), 03/03/2024 13:50 (2), 03/03/2024 13:56 (17)
Complete: 🔍
Cache ID: 3:A3F:103


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